Animals and their homes:

animals and their homes
Credits: Alexander Ley


Most of you would have never seen or heard about this mysterious animal. They are Pangolins, normally shy and nocturnal, residing in the forests of Asia and Africa. Generally they are misunderstood as reptiles, but actually are mammals completely-covered in scales. They use their scales to protect themselves from potential predators. They immediately curl into a tight ball and use their sharp-scaled tails to defend themselves as soon as they sense danger.

Pangolins are toothless and mainly feed on ants and larvae using their long, sticky tongues, which can sometimes reach lengths greater than that of the animal’s body.

They are currently categorized under endangered species as they are the most trafficked animal species in the world and are eaten to extinction..!!

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Glasswing Butterfly:

animals and their homes

Glasswings are one of the most gorgeous butterflies ever seen. They are named so because of their transparent glasslike wings. Being a migratory butterfly species, they range over from Mexico to Panama in Central America.

They mainly feed on two species of Cestrum plants and also on bird droppings and other insects. Their wings are composed of specialised tissues that literally let the light pass through them rather than reflecting or scattering the light.

These amazing Butterflies are difficult to spot, but thankfully their wings have dark brown coloured borders. Without them they would be nearly invisible.

Animals and their young ones:

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Knabstrupper Horse: 

animals and their homes

Knabstruppers are unique-looking breed of horses with a spotty appearance similar to that of the Dalmatians. These horses are believed to have originated in Denmark, in the year 1812. The Knabstrupper’s foundation started with a single chestnut blanket spotted mare called Flæbe.

These gentle horses are known for their speed and endurance. They were commonly used in wars but proved an easy target due to their spots. Later they were used for sporting.

Due to their unusual color and extreme rarity, they were used by the Royal and Noble people in the past. These amazing horses were on the verge of extinction due to the inbreeding. But luckily, the breeder Frede Nielsen brought three American Appaloosa horses to Denmark to infuse new blood into the breed. These saved the breed from extinction.

Animals and their homes:

Golden Tabby Tiger / Strawberry Tiger:

animals and their homes

The Tabby Tiger or the Strawberry Tiger is the results of an extremely rare variation of colour caused by a recessive gene. Records of the golden tiger date back to the early 1900s, in India. The first golden tiger cub born in captivity was in 1983 and is derived from the Bengal Tiger but typically contain Amur Tiger genes in their lineage.

They are usually associated with areas with high concentration of clay on soil. There are less than 30 Tabby Tigers left in the world.

Animals extinct in India:

animals and their homes


The unusual looking Okapi is the living member of the giraffe family. They naturally live in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Their distinctive look is characterized by the striped hind limbs and forelegs which resemble Zebras and at the same time body structure similar to the Giraffes. A fully grown okapi weighs up to 350 kg and span up to 5 feet in height. They have an excellent sense of hearing due to their long ears.
Unfortunately, the animal is classified as an endangered species. Less than 22000 Okapis are left in the wilderness. Habitat is the biggest threat faced by the Okapis.

Animals and their homes:

Mantis Shrimp:

animals and their homes

Mantis Shrimps are incredibly coloured shrimp species mainly found in the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific oceans. They display stunning shades or red, orange, blue and green.

Apart from their colourful body, they also have one of the most advanced visual systems in the animal kingdom. Their eyes have 16 colour receptors while humans have only 3. So, the eyes of mantis shrimps can process more colours than human eyes, making them capable seeing polarized and ultraviolet light.

Moreover, they are also known for the fastest punch in the entire animal kingdom. Using the appendages, they deliver a fatal punch as fast as a 0.22 caliber bullet. Such powerful punches can easily break through the hard shell of the crab.

Animals name in hindi:

animals and their homes

The Nicobar Pigeon:  

The Nicobar Pigeons are famous for their striking blue-green feathers. They are undoubtedly the most gorgeous species of any pigeons found all over the world.

These pigeons reside in the Islands of Nicobar and the regions surrounding The Bay of Bengal. They also outweigh the other pigeon species. A mature Nicobar Pigeon can weigh up to 600 gm and can reach to a length of 40 cm from its tail to tip.

Initially there were thousands of Pigeons all over the island but currently their population is declining rapidly. Habitat loss, pet trade and over hunting are the main threats faced by them.

Emperor Tamarin: 

animals and their homes

The Emperor Tamarin is a small, gorgeous and funny species of monkey that are basically found in lowland Tropical Rainforests of Peru and Brazil. These monkeys received their name from their distinctive long white moustache which resembles with the moustache of the German Emperor Wilhelm II.
These Tamarins are omnivorous and hence feed on fruits, carrots, sweet potatoes and also eat insects, gum, nectar and leaves. Being naturally small sized, a matured Emperor Tamarin spans between 7 and 12 inches and weighs up to 460 gram. They have a gray coloured body and a long slender reddish-brown tail.
Being a social creature, Emperor Tamarins live in small groups contain up to 20 members. Luckily these amazing creatures are found in ample and are classified under least concerned category.

Animals and their sounds:

animals and their homes

Elephant Shrew:    

The Elephant shrew is a small mammal, found exclusively in Africa. This cute little creature is named after its long and flexible snout. They are found in the forests, grasslands, and woodlands of Africa.
These tiny creatures mainly feed on fruits, leaves, insects, centipedes, millipedes, earthworms and spiders. Elephant shrews have large eyes, long hind legs, slender limbs, and a long tail. They are mostly found in black, brown, white and gray coloured fur.
These shrews with their long hind legs leap like rabbits. They also have an excellent sense of hearing and smell due to their long snouts and big ears. These traits help them to escape from predators and find the prey effectively. Habitat fragmentation is the largest threat faced by these tiny adorables.

Animals name in hindi:


animals and their homes

Kakapos are one of the world’s rarest birds. They are the only species of flightless parrots. These amazing birds live alone in the remote Islands of New Zealand. These herbivores birds feed on seeds, nuts, fruits, berries and flowers.
 These birds rely on their strong feet rather than their wings for moving from one place to another. Due to their strong legs these flightless birds are expert hikers. Moreover, they have an amazing life span of 80-90 years.
These nocturnal birds reside in their underground nests. They are also known for the sweet honey like odour. The Kakapos were nearly extinct due to over hunting but are now safe with the help of conservationists.

Animals and their homes:

All the above animals live in captivity and most of their numbers are declining day by day.. Forests are the only habitats of these amazing animals that are most likely to be lost within few years. So, please take steps towards saving trees and restrictions should be brought about towards cutting down of forests.
Go Green..!!